Visit Bali to Meet People With Unique Culture And Cuisines

Visit Bali to Meet People With Unique Culture And CuisinesVisit Bali to Meet People With Unique Culture And Cuisines ---Bali's reputation as a tourist destination is already established in the minds of so many people around the world. It is known as a beautiful island with mountains, temples, palaces and visits of terraced rice fields.

It is known as a place where traditions of art and culture predominate, where the village way of life based on their strong religious beliefs is still in place. But, it is also a place where modern sports such as diving, sailing, rafting and above all surfing have taken hold and are enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year. It is a place where the ultimate luxuries of life: fine dining, spas and massage have reached the peak of perfection.

Behind all of this is a single unseen premise; none of these practices, pursuits and pleasures are created as tourist industries in Bali, but are based on the talents, dedication and skills of the Balinese people in their normal course of life.

Entry Points of Bali

Most international visitors will fly to Bali directly. Here are some entry points to access Bali:

  • Numerous direct flights from Europe, America, Australia and most Asian Countries.
  • Domestic flights to and from major cities within Indonesia.
  • Regular passenger ferries from Java and Lombok.
  • Cruise ship stop-offs.
  • By car or bus from Java.
Visit Bali to Meet People With Unique Cuisines

Bali Cuisines

Like the food of other regions in Indonesia, Balinese food is rice as the central dish served with small portions of spicy, pungent vegetables, fish or meat and served almost always with sambal or chili paste. Bali is a few of the regions in Indonesia whose majority of its people are non Muslims, thus babi guling or roasted suckling pig is a specialty, as is bebek betutu, smoked stuffed duck wrapped in bamboo leaves.
In Jimbaran area, for instance, you can sample seafood dishes while sitting on the beach. Visit this place in the evening, the cool atmosphere and caressing breeze will make your dining experience remarkable.

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